Monday, February 28, 2011

MyLife Blog Reflection

1: My MyLife video is posted below.

A: I used one song that was a soundtrack, and on rock song in my project.
B: I used the songs "I'll be there for You", by The Rembrants and "How to Save a Life", by The Fray.
C: I chose these different pieces, because both were about life, and my project was about my life.

A: I searched on Google using phrases like "Top Ten Billboard Songs 1995" or "1995 Fashion". I also went to different newspaper sites and typed "August 30, 1995" to find headlines from the day I was born.
B:I used Google for all my searches.
C: I did not find any unreliable sources. I saw Wikipedia at the top of most of my search results, but I did not use it because I do not trust it.

4: I used iPhoto, iMovie, Keynote, scanned photos, and took screen shots.

5: In this project I was good at setting up transitions in Keynote, and putting in my photos.

6: Setting up the music in my project, and deciding what music I was going to put in my project were the hardest parts of this project for me.

A: Yes, I decided to use mostly still slides.
B: I decided on still slides because it made my information easier to read.
C: I did not use the same theme throughout my movie. I actually used a changed themes every slide.
D: I changed themes every slide because I thought it looked better, and gave it more originality. I also chose themes that matched with what was on the slide.

8: I used video to show how long I have been alive, and put in a video some other guys and I had made in Tech Apps at the end of class when we had finished out work. I put this video in after my slide about PND, as an extension of that slide.

9: If I ever needed to put slides from Keynote into iMovie for anything, I could use the skills I learned doing this project to do that. I could also use the skills I learned doing this project if I ever needed to make a movie or presentation about events in my life or someone else's.

10: I used the songs I used for my project, which was not what they were originally meant for. My pictures were already mine, but still, they were not meant for this purpose. I also changed the size of the pictures, and did not play all of "How to Save a Life".

11: I would like to do another project like this one on my own, because I new how to do everything that I needed to, and I liked looking through all my old photos.

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